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Angularjs download a file from api

Angularjs download a file from api
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How to download file in Angular 6 using www.tumblr.com Core web API – DOTNET DETAIL

File download/save from a Jersey rest api call using ANGULARJS. file is attached with response as “Content-Disposition” 1 CSV download for rest API not working. Saving a file with Angular is a bit tedius when we get the file as a blog from an API call. A traditional way of doing is to open the url in a new window. It can work unless there’s no authentication required by the API. In my situation though, the API validated authentication. I have my REST API where I put my pdf file, now I want my angular app to download it on click via my web browser but I got HttpErrorResponse "Unexpected token % in JSON at position 0" "SyntaxError: Unexpected token % in JSON at position 0↵ at www.tumblr.com (this is my endpoint.

angularjs download a file from api

Angularjs download a file from api

Viewing and getting PDF documents are important features of web applications. A PDF document can be server-sourced with a PDF rendering tool for the data or directly retrieved from a physical file, angularjs download a file from api client-sourced with a PDF rendering tool in JavaScript for the data or markup page content. This article provides a sample application and detailed discussions on how to display and download the server-sourced PDF documents in respect to legacy, evolved, and up-to-date technologies and web browsers.

If you would like to get most of what the article and sample application delivers for practices, you may download and install more types of web browsers, either new or old, on your local machine. The installed browser types will automatically be shown in the IIS Express browser toolbar dropdown of the Visual Studio. You can then select a browser type before running the solution. Please pick up those you would like and do the setup on your local machine. The server-side data service project is embedded in each solution for easy data access.

All downloaded project types of the sample application set the version of TypeScript for Visual Studio to 3. I have tested that all versions from 3. If you need version 3. For setting up and running the project types with Angular CLI, you need the node. Please check the node, angularjs download a file from api. You need to use Visual Studio version NET Core 3. Throughout the article, I use the sample application projects in Angular for code demo and discussions.

The project in AngularJS is for backward compatibility in case some developers still need it. Here is the home page of the sample application in Angular. The byte array will then be sent to the client-side for processes. By comparisons, angularjs download a file from api, the server-side approach is much more powerful and has more features and flexibility.

For demo purposes, a PDF data report, Product Order Activity shown in the screenshot aboveis generated from a static data source simulating the data from a database using the PdfDataReport tool I previously posted.

The PDF data document creation is not the focus of this article. The PdfFileWriter library built with the. NET Framework 4. NET 5 projects. DrawingSystem.

FormsSystem. DataVisualizationangularjs download a file from api, PresentationCoreetc. You can see how the ASP. You can also see how the ASP. Other items are also set for the response header before the response is returned to the caller.

NET 5 except returning the custom response messages. The ASP. When the custom headers and contents are required, the ASP. NET 5 method are omitted. The custom HttpResponseMessageResult class transforms the response header and streams the response content that are returned to the caller. Since the Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge browsers have their own proprietary PDF viewers to display the documents delivered as the MIME type, no special consideration is needed on whether or not the Adobe Reader exists in the client devices.

The Internet Explorer, however, embeds the Adobe Reader as the default PDF viewer so that you need to install the Adobe Reader on local machine or set it as add-ons to the browser please see this link for the support. With the AJAX data transfer modal for the Web applications, the Blob object is becoming popular to process file related operations in client JavaScript code. However, the usability and API availability are quite different among browser types, which causes a lot of confusion and inconvenience for developing web applications regarding file content display or file downloads.

This works well for the Chrome, Firefox, and Opera with versions supporting the Blob object starting many years ago. The most possible reason could be the Blob URL handling angularjs download a file from api and security enforcement by the browsers.

A message dialog is shown for unsupported browsers, angularjs download a file from api, such as Internet Explorer, Edge, and Safari for Windows. The browser also does not support the download attribute in the dynamic link. Thus, these browsers will render the error if using the Blob URL. The default fileName value is also picked up by the process. The PDF. For easy demonstration, the sample application uses the basically unmodified version of the PDF. All PDF. Pdf project. As the time of writing this article, the latest stable version of the PDF.

This version works fine for all latest versions of major browsers except for Internet Explorer 11 in which a runtime error is thrown when closing the viewer in an IFrame. The sample application that comes with the PDF. Angularjs download a file from api can find all release versions of the PDF. In the below line, the iframe is the DOM object and the response. The Apple stopped to release the Safari for Windows after the version 5.

Although the PDF. I do notice that the later versions of PDF. In the past, Web developers commonly use the code to explicitly check the browser types and versions for conditionally directing to executions of particular code sections. The better practice now is to conduct angularjs download a file from api available option-based scenarios to resolve possible browser compatibility issues. The sample application presents angularjs download a file from api scenarios for displaying PDF documents and downloading PDF files as shown with the link Option-based Scenario for All Browsers on the demo home page.

Since the functionality and code pieces for each option-based approach have been detailed in the previous sections of the article, below are listed only option selections and execution sequences. Audiences can practice with the code and make any change to meet their needs.

Note that there is a downside when using the MIME type data transfer as the last resort in the option-based scenario. This may pose a noticeable additional delay if the data size is large.

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Complete File Upload and Download Tutorial using Angular and Nodejs

, time: 35:34

Angularjs download a file from api

angularjs download a file from api

Go through the following steps for creating Angular project to download file from server using Angular. Creating Project. Go through the link Creating Angular Project to create a new project. Make sure you give the project name as angular-file-download. In this post, I will show you how easy it is to download a file with Angular using file-saver package.. CSV files, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, PDF reports and images are common types of files that a functional Angular web app needs to be able to download to browser.. In most cases, files are generated by back-end APIs and sent as blobs in HTTP response body. Download file from an www.tumblr.com Web API method using AngularJS. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 5 months ago. Active 9 months ago. Viewed k times In my Angular JS project, I've an anchor tag, which when clicked makes an HTTP GET request to a WebAPI method that returns a file. Now, I want the file to be downloaded to the user once the request is successful. How do I do that? .

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